Search results
Create the page "Pioneer League teams" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- | league = [[Pioneer League]] ...level. They played in the [[Pioneer League]] which, at the time, included teams in [[Montana]], [[Idaho]], [[Utah]], and [[Alberta]].9 KB (1,256 words) - 10:07, 9 October 2012
- | teams = <nowiki></nowiki> ...ef name="oms">{{cite web |title=Former Rebel Mickey Callaway to make Major League Debut Saturday |url= KB (1,068 words) - 09:43, 2 July 2013
- |league = Pioneer League ...s|Tampa Bay's]] first fully-affiliated team to be fielded in a non-complex league.20 KB (2,131 words) - 19:03, 1 November 2013